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"Christian," Avery whispered, his voice full of
passion and trust.
That was enough to snap Christian out of his
trance. Avery! I just bit him. Oh God, what did I do?
Christian let out a cry of distress as he jumped
back, almost tripping over his pants that were still
pushed down around his ankles. His chest ached
Salting Zombies
as he looked at the wound he left on Avery's neck.
An angry, ragged and still bleeding bite mark
stood out vividly against the man's tan skin.
Disgusted with himself, Christian pulled up his
pants, not even caring one of his hands was still
covered in cum. He was no better than the rest of
the monsters. First, he'd fucked Avery like some
kind of animal, throwing him against a tree and
plowing into him without any tenderness. Then
he'd finished it off by trying to make lunch out of
the guy's neck. "I'm so sorry," he said, sick from
"Don't be," Avery replied as he turned around
and pulled up his scrub bottoms. "It was great."
"What part? Where I attacked you like a sex
fiend or where I vamped out on your throat?"
Christian let loose with the sarcasm.
Avery cocked his head to the side thoughtfully.
"Actually, both."
Christian gaped at him for a second, open-
mouthed from shock. "This isn't some joke. I hurt
"Really, it wasn't that bad."
Stephani Hecht
"Not that bad! You're bleeding because I broke
the skin. It isn't just a hickey I gave you."
Avery hesitantly brought his hand up to his
neck to assess the wound. "Wow, I guess you did.
It did hurt at first, but afterward, it felt so good I
didn't think you bit me that hard." He shrugged.
"No biggie, there's a first aid kit in the car."
"It is a big deal," Christian continued to argue
even as Avery started walking again.
"Maybe it is. All I do know is we can't stand
around all night talking about it. You might not
have been the only zombie who escaped the
facility and I'm not in the mood to fight any more
of them tonight."
"But we should take a few minutes at least to
examine this situation." Christian followed him,
grabbing Avery's arm for support when he
tripped over a rock.
"No, we've already wasted enough time as it is."
Avery's mouth spread into a sexy grin.
"Avery!" Christian shouted to get his full
attention. "After what I did to you, how do you
know it's even safe to be around me?"
Salting Zombies
"Please," Avery rolled his eyes, "like you're the
first guy to give me a love bite."
"I'm serious," Christian snapped, even as a
wave of jealously went through him at the
mention of previous men in Avery's past.
Avery stopped and turned to fully face
Christian, the humor replaced by tender
understanding. "You're not like the other
zombies," he said simply.
"How can you be so sure?" Christian's voice
broke a bit. If he started to turn, he didn't think
he'd be able to cope. He'd rather be dead than to
become a mindless killing machine.
"Because you stopped. Even though you had
me pinned and at your mercy, you managed to
pull back."
Avery's blind trust rendered Christian
speechless. Especially when the man punctuated
his declaration with a soft kiss.
"Besides, I was the one screaming to be fucked.
Remember?" Avery added, the most adorable
flush coming to his cheeks.
Stephani Hecht
"Of course I do. My ears are still ringing," he
teased, hoping to ease some of Avery's
"Come on. We really do need to get moving."
It only took a few more moments before they
came upon a car hidden in a private back road.
Avery grabbed a large set of keys out of his
pocket. There were also several black box-like
things that looked like small remote controls on
the ring. Avery hit the button on one and the
trunk popped open.
"Cool," Christian blurted.
"Yeah, some things have changed," Avery said
as he went over and started rummaging around in
the trunk.
"Were you even alive in 1984?"
"No, I was born in 85."
Christian groaned as he realized the actual age
difference between them. He hadn't thought
anything could have made him feel more guilty
than the bite, but this was up there. "Great, I just
had sex with someone who I'm twice the age of."
Salting Zombies
"Not really. You were frozen for the last twenty-
five so I don't think they count." Avery finally
pulled out a large duffle bag and a small first aid
Christian went up behind Avery so he could
peer inside to see what supplies they had. When
he noted how bare it was, he frowned. "Things
must have really changed. I would think this
group of yours would have weapons or at least a
better first aid kit."
"We may be a bit smaller than I let on," Avery
Christian's heart lurched. "How small?"
"There's a few dozen of us and we're scattered
all over the country. I have only a half-dozen in
my group."
Christian's blood turned to ice as he realized
just how big a risk Avery had been in the past few
months. "You went undercover, without any
backup or support!" he shouted.
"So? I was doing fine. If it hadn't been for the
massive uprising today, my cover would still be in
place," Avery argued with a calmness that only
infuriated Christian more.
Stephani Hecht
"How in the hell did you even manage to
infiltrate the facility in the first place? BOKOR's
security is so tight a mouse's fart couldn't get in."
"Oh, that was easy. I already was on the
military's payroll when I joined the rebel group.
When they needed some information about the lab
that you were at, I just requested a transfer. Given
my experience, they were happy to approve it."
Avery opened the bag and pulled out some
"So if you were part of the military, how is it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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