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information in there. Thyr took his position against the wall again, his eyes dropping to Béla s neck
once more before he looked up at Vlad.  It seems Helpsing is a very naughty man.
Vlad opened the envelope and pulled a paper free, scanning over it. Béla watched as the
vampire s expression went through a metamorphosis of emotions before his jaw clenched tightly.
 That rat bastard.
Béla had never heard Vlad speak that way. The man was always so refined. But he could see that
Vlad s composure was slipping as he read the paper and then turned it over. His eyebrows drew
together until they almost appeared as one long line across his forehead.
Béla knew that long drawn look. It wasn t a good thing. Upír had looked that way right before the
beatings had begun. Béla moved back, whimpering. So far, Vlad had been kind to him, even gentle.
But what if the man took his anger out on Béla?
Thyr tipped his head before he moved toward the balcony.  Call me if you need anything else.
The man was gone in the next breath.
Béla kept a close eye on Vlad. His muscles were tense as Vlad looked over the paper once more.
When the man finally glanced down at him, Béla had an urge to run and hide. Vlad frowned as he set
the paper aside.
 What s wrong, Béla?
 No hurt Béla. He could feel himself trembling as Vlad reached out and feathered his fingers
over Béla s short hair, but he couldn t stop it. He was terrified.
 I m not going to hurt you. Vlad expression was one of confusion before his red eyes softened.
 Oh, Béla. I wasn t mad at you.
Béla cried in relief when Vlad picked him up from the floor and enveloped him in strong arms.
He curled close, trembling from the vampire s earlier anger.
 Never you, Béla. As Vlad s hand caressed over Béla s head, something began to warm inside
of him. His cock started to grow thick, his body aching for a deeper, more intimate touch. Béla s lips
parted, a low groan vibrating in his throat as his head turned, unconsciously seeking more of the
 Béla. When Vlad said his name this time, it was throatier, raspy, with a hint of huskiness.
 What do you want from me, little one? Vlad s voice held a growl, a low vibration of warning that
thrummed through Béla s veins.
This feeling rioted through his system now.
 The sweet spice of your need is wrapping around me, Vlad said as if fighting his own need.
 You are tempting me in ways you may not want.
 Want. Béla s voice was just as husky, surprising himself. But it was true. He wanted Vlad to
touch him, to hold him in the man s arms as Vlad took him.
It was building in Béla.
His body tightened involuntarily, every bone and muscle in him reaching for Vlad s mouth, the
hot draw of his lips, the moist wash of his tongue. Béla had never known kindness when it came to
sex, but he was willing to surrender his trust to Vlad.
Béla could feel his heart struggling to keep up with the demands his arousal was placing on it. It
beat hard and fast, bursting through his veins, a pleasure in and of itself.
Vlad carried Béla to the bed, moving over him, the man s lips taking Béla s in the sweetest kiss.
Béla had never been kissed before, and a hunger unlike anything he d ever experienced shook his very
foundation. He grabbed for Vlad, greedy for more as Vlad s tongue plunged into Béla s mouth.
Vlad tasted like heaven on earth.
Eagerly, Béla s tongue clashed with Vlad s, his body arching into the vampire s as he tried to get
closer. Vlad s arms went around Béla as Béla twisted closer. Béla stared into Vlad s eyes and felt the
shock clear to the soles of his feet as his tongue continued to lick at Vlad s lips. The man was looking
at Béla with nothing short of worship in his eyes.
Béla kicked his lounging pants off the only thing he was wearing and began to tear at Vlad s
shirt. He wanted to feel the man s skin under the palms of his hands.
 One moment, Vlad breathed out roughly before he pulled away and revealed the most beautiful
body Béla had ever seen. The vampire was muscled, but not in a bulky way. The lines were tight, and [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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