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tiptoes to see over his shoulder.
Malthus wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.  His heart gave out.
I'm so sorry, darling. Sheradyn did everything he could. Your father was a
good mon."
Merissa began to shriek. She tried to push away from him, but he held Merissa
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tight as he walked her over to Sheradyn. Malthus handed her into Sheradyn's
arms.  Please take care of her and Aisha."
* * * *
Malthus went looking for Belgair. He found him in Sorcha's solar, staring at
Fianait's portrait as he always did when he was troubled.
"I can't believe he's dead. Belgair held a glass of whiskey in his shaking
hands.  I never expected him to just up and die like that. Belgair made the
sign of the bear.  If Aisha had started screaming and keening, I could have
handled it."
"She's not mad, Belgair. She's just trying to spook you."
"All the horses are gone. The prisoners too. The bodies we tossed in the
midden ... gone also."
"What do you mean the prisoners are gone?"
"Just that. Damien's dead. Sinclair made his move last night."
"Don't lose your nerve."
Belgair sucked in a breath.  I'm not. Lennox is assembling the myn. We'll
strike at the Maguire's before Todd can get organized."
"The thanes should start arriving in a few days, Malthus said.  We must have
everything resolved before they get here."
Belgair poured a second whiskey, drained his glass, and steadied.  We'll have
the entire family dangling from the scaffolds before noon."
Belgair stalked out. Malthus followed him through the manor.
With the horses gone, Belgair and his myn were forced to march on foot to the
Maguire place. Malthus stood and watched them leave. It was early, but he had
much to do.
Malthus waited until the manor had gone quiet with the departure of Belgair
and his army. Then he went looking for Aisha. He found her sitting in the Rose
Room, wrapped up in a layer of shawls as if she could not get warm. He wedged
a chair beneath the doorknob.
"Now we will not be disturbed."
Aisha knelt by the window, staring out at the sunlit sky, her hands clasped
together in prayer.  It's my turn now?"
"To die? Yes."
She made the sign of the bear and followed that with the curve of the moon.
 I'm ready."
The haunted serenity that she presented to Malthus disturbed him. He wondered
if, perhaps, Belgair was right and she had gone mad.
"Brock is dead. Malthus settled upon the floor, cross-legged, beside her.  My
people got him."
She did not respond to that, merely waited in silence.
"Aisha, did you understand me? Malthus lowered his head, tilted it slightly
to watch her reactions, and regarded her.
The lack of reaction infuriated Malthus. He seized Aisha's shoulders, jerked
her up against his chest, and touched the hollow of her throat, shrinking her
voice to the level of a croaking whisper.  I killed them all. Tempest, Granta,
Beth, Caimbeul, Nesswen, Yren ... I drowned Searlait, stabbed Fianait,
ruptured Claw's heart, and poisoned Kynyr. You're next."
"I told you I was ready."
Rage twisted Malthus features and he struck her across the face.
The tiniest flash of hurt touched Aisha's mouth and vanished again into
schooled indifference. She unfastened her robe and let it drop from her
shoulders.  There is my heart. Strike now. I am ready."
"You know what I am?"
"Are you mad? Malthus jammed his palm between her breasts, striking hard and
deep. Access to her organs was easier skin to skin, but Malthus had not yet
encountered anything that could completely block his arts. Desirous of doing
it faster and different from the others similarity bred suspicion he
protracted the current of energy searing through her.
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Pain drove the breath from Aisha's lungs, leaving her gasping and grimacing.
Her voice remained emotionless when she regained the strength to speak a
single word.  Murderer."
"You're animals raised above your stations. Killing animals is not murder. A
thread of aggravation stole through Malthus. He felt impossibly bored by the
thought of doing one more subtle kill. Malthus slammed another spell through
her. There was no taste of fear to delight his senses, no panic, and no
resistance.  Say something, slut. React, damn you." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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