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York Times" banking houses, mercantile and manufacturing
together with the most feverish scribbler on a Yiddish establishments, labor leaders and political party
weekly that calls for blood and violence, all of them of organizers of all colors.
all classes, bound together in a solidarity which has been
achieved by no other people so perfectly as by Judah. There are certain announced purposes of these
Banded together for the purpose of "protecting Jewish associations, and there are certain purposes which
rights." are not announced. The announced purposes may be read
in printed pages; the purposes not announced may be
read in the records of attempted acts and achieved
results. To keep the record straight let us look first at the
announced purposes of the American Jewish Committee,
What rights have Americans that Jews in America do not
then of the Kehillah; next at the line which binds the two
possess? Against whom are the Jews organized and
together; and then at the real purposes as they are to be
against what? What basis is there for the cry of
construed from a long list of attempts and achievements.
"persecution"? None whatever, except the Jews' own
The American Jewish Committee,
consciousness that the course they are pursuing is due
officially organized in 1906, announced itself as
for a check. The Jews always know that. They are not in
incorporated for the following purposes:
the stream of the world, and every little while the world
finds out what Judah always knows. The program of the
1.To prevent the infraction of the civil and religious
Kehillah was ostensibly to "assert Jewish rights." No
rights of the Jews in any part of the world.
the whole American program today. It is "broadening"
2. To render all lawful assistance and to take appropriate America out of all semblance to its
remedial action in the event of threatened distinctive self and blurring out of recognition those
or actual invasion or restriction of such rights, or of determining ideals and ideas on which American
unfavorable discrimination with respect thereto. institutions were based.
3.To secure for Jews equality of economic, social and
educational opportunities.
This study of the Jewish Question in the United States is
not based upon religious differences. The religious
4. To alleviate the consequences of persecution wherever
element does not enter except when it is injected by the
they may occur, and to afford relief from
Jews themselves; they persistently inject it in three ways:
calamities affecting the Jews.
First, in their allegation that any study of the Jews is
"religious persecution"; second, by their own records
It is an exclusively Jewish program. The Charter of the
of what their activities in the United States consist of;
Kehillah empowered it, among other things, to establish
third, by the impression which is very misleading if not
an educational bureau, to adjust differences between
corrected, that the Jews are the Old Testament people.
Jewish residents or organizations by arbitration or by
The Jews are not the Old Testament people and the Old
means of boards of mediation or conciliation; while the
Testament can be found among them only with
Constitution announces
difficulty. They are a Talmudical people who have
the purpose to be:
preferred the volumes of rabbinical speculation to the
words of the ancient prophets.
"To further the cause of Judaism in New York City
and to represent the Jews in this city with respect
In this series of articles we have set aside every
to all local matters of Jewish interest."
nonJewish statement on this religious question, and
have accepted only that which proceeds from recognized
Where the American Jewish Committee and the Kehillah
Jewish sources. It has been most illuminating, in
join forces is shown as follows:
studying the proceedings of the New York Kehillah and
the American Jewish Committee, and their affiliated
"Furthermore, inasmuch as the American Jewish
organizations, as represented by their activities
Committee was a national organization, the Jewish
throughout the country, to find how large a part of these
Community (Kehillah), of New York City, if
activities have a religious bearing, as being directly and
combined with it, would have a voice in shaping the
combatively anti-Christian.
policy of Jewry throughout the land. It is expressly
understood that the American Jewish Committee
That is to say, when the Jews set forth in the public
shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all questions of
charters and constitutions of their organizations
a national or International character affecting the
that their only purpose is to "protect Jewish rights,"
Jews generally."
and when the public asks what are these "Jewish
rights" which need protection in this free country, the
It will be seen, therefore, that the Kehillah and the
answer can be found only in the actions which
American Jewish Committee are one. The capital
the Jews take to secure that "protection."
of the United States, in Jewish affairs, is New York.
Perhaps that may throw a sidelight on the efforts which
Thus interpreted, "Jewish rights" seem to be summed
are constantly made to exalt New York as the spring and
up in the "right" to banish everything from their sight
source of all the thoughts of the day. (Editor's Note: and
and hearing that suggests Christianity or its Founder. It
now the seat of the United Nations system of world
is just there, from the Jewish side, that religious
government!) New York, the Jewish capital of the
intolerance makes its appearance.
United States} has been made the financial center, the
art center, the political center of the country. But its art is
oriental sensuousness, its politics those of a Judaized
Previous to the formation of the Kehillah and the Jewish
Tammany. It is the home of anti-American propaganda,
Committee, this sort of attack on the rights
of pro-Jewish hysteria, a mad confusion of
of Americans was sporadic, but since 1906 it has
mind that now passes all over the world as the true
increased in number and insistence. Under cover
picture of America.
of the ideal of Liberty we have given the Jews liberty to
attack Liberty. What America has been tolerating is
The doctrine with which so large a mass as the citizens
intolerance itself. Let us look rapidly down the years and
of America have been inoculated is making havoc with
see one phase of that attack. It is the attack upon
Christianity. Here are a few items from the record. They In Newark, New Jersey, the rabbis ask the night schools
are recorded over a period of years following the rise of to discontinue Friday evening sessions,
Jewish power in America: because the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown on
1899-1900. The Jews attempt to have the word
"Christian" removed from the Bill of Rights of the The work of introducing the idea of Jewish national
State of Virginia. holidays into public life especially active.
1906-1907. The Jews of Oklahoma petition the 1910-1911. An attempt to have Hebrew officially
Constitutional Convention protesting that the recognized was frustrated by Supreme Court Judge Goff.
acknowledgment of Christ in the new State constitution
then being formulated would be repugnant to the Chicago Jews have election date changed because the
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